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In this mystery/thriller, which has delighted audiences nationwide, it is April 1922 and the cast of William Gillette’s latest Broadway revival of Sherlock Holmes has assembled for a weekend of relaxation at his magnificent medieval castle on a bluff overlooking the Connecticut River. For entertainment, actor-manager, playwright and heart-throb William Gillette, best known for his 30-year portrayal of the famous crime sleuth Sherlock Holmes, has arranged a séance. Now the scene is set for his greatest role. Someone is trying to murder Gillette and he suspects it is one of his guests. Intrepid, eccentric and wildly romantic, Gillette plans to solve the case himself à la Sherlock Holmes.



Dear Audience,


I first read “Postmortem” on March 17, 2023. I was on a plane ride to Vermont over spring break, and I’d made sure to leave the entire time for reading. Andy had said to me, “I think this is the one,” and I was so excited — I had already worked on a Ken Ludwig show in 9th grade, and knew how great his work is. I went in with high expectations, and they were still blown out of the water, anyway. 

Halfway through, and I genuinely had no idea who the killer was — I kept going between every person, calculating the number of lines they had, their connection to Maude, everything. And when I got to the end? Jaw dropped, heart racing, I could actually see it all coming together in my head. I’d made the unfortunate mistake of drinking caffeine, so the adrenaline rush left me literally shaking for a good half-hour afterwards. The moment I landed, I texted Andy, in all caps of course, telling him how incredible I thought it was. 


I started studying the script the very next day. I made character maps, reread the entire thing, explained the plot to anyone who would listen.


And the excitement over this show hasn’t dwindled a bit. I am so utterly thrilled to be presenting this show to you all, for you to be able to see all the hard work we’ve put into this show. We have been through so much together — multiple cast changes, show date changes, late-night Target runs (shoutout to Brady for driving me!) — and I am so proud of every single cast member. This show has been a true journey and absolute test of endurance, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


I hope you enjoy Postmortem as much as I do, and I hope we manage to shock you at least once. :) From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for coming, and giving this show a chance. We truly appreciate it so much.


With Love, 


Izzy Steenburgh

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